Hi we have multiple news portals and our ppl are complaining that the backend is so slow (2s load times). I took a look at it and found that the INNER JOIN leads to a temporary table with 22k entries for our smallest portal.
With INNER JOIN 500ms, LEFT JOIN its 1.5ms. In bigger portals that up to 5s and makes it quite unusable. Not sure if the DB is missing an index, i tried to optimize, but for now ill change that behaviour
EXPLAIN SELECT `a`.`id`,`a`.`asset_id`,`a`.`title`,`a`.`alias`,`a`.`checked_out`,`a`.`checked_out_time`,`a`.`catid`,`a`.`state`,`a`.`access`,`a`.`created`,`a`.`created_by`,`a`.`created_by_alias`,`a`.`modified`,`a`.`ordering`,`a`.`featured`,`a`.`language`,`a`.`hits`,`a`.`publish_up`,`a`.`publish_down`,`a`.`introtext`,`a`.`fulltext`,`a`.`note`,`a`.`images`,`a`.`metakey`,`a`.`metadesc`,`a`.`metadata`,`a`.`version`,`fp`.`featured_up`,`fp`.`featured_down`,`l`.`title` AS `language_title`,`l`.`image` AS `language_image`,`uc`.`name` AS `editor`,`ag`.`title` AS `access_level`,`c`.`title` AS `category_title`,`c`.`created_user_id` AS `category_uid`,`c`.`level` AS `category_level`,`c`.`published` AS `category_published`,`parent`.`title` AS `parent_category_title`,`parent`.`id` AS `parent_category_id`,`parent`.`created_user_id` AS `parent_category_uid`,`parent`.`level` AS `parent_category_level`,`ua`.`name` AS `author_name`,`wa`.`stage_id` AS `stage_id`,`ws`.`title` AS `stage_title`,`ws`.`workflow_id` AS `workflow_id`,`w`.`title` AS `workflow_title`,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(`v`.`rating_sum` / `v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0), 0) AS `rating`,COALESCE(NULLIF(`v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0) AS `rating_count`
FROM hycwr_content AS `a`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`lang_code` = `a`.`language`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_frontpage` AS `fp` ON `fp`.`content_id` = `a`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `uc` ON `uc`.`id` = `a`.`checked_out`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_viewlevels` AS `ag` ON `ag`.`id` = `a`.`access`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `c` ON `c`.`id` = `a`.`catid`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `parent` ON `parent`.`id` = `c`.`parent_id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `ua` ON `ua`.`id` = `a`.`created_by`
INNER JOIN `hycwr_workflow_associations` AS `wa` ON `wa`.`item_id` = `a`.`id`
INNER JOIN `hycwr_workflow_stages` AS `ws` ON `ws`.`id` = `wa`.`stage_id`
INNER JOIN `hycwr_workflows` AS `w` ON `w`.`id` = `ws`.`workflow_id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_rating` AS `v` ON `a`.`id` = `v`.`content_id`
WHERE `wa`.`extension` = 'com_content.article' AND `a`.`state` IN (1,0)
ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 20;
EXPLAIN SELECT `a`.`id`,`a`.`asset_id`,`a`.`title`,`a`.`alias`,`a`.`checked_out`,`a`.`checked_out_time`,`a`.`catid`,`a`.`state`,`a`.`access`,`a`.`created`,`a`.`created_by`,`a`.`created_by_alias`,`a`.`modified`,`a`.`ordering`,`a`.`featured`,`a`.`language`,`a`.`hits`,`a`.`publish_up`,`a`.`publish_down`,`a`.`introtext`,`a`.`fulltext`,`a`.`note`,`a`.`images`,`a`.`metakey`,`a`.`metadesc`,`a`.`metadata`,`a`.`version`,`fp`.`featured_up`,`fp`.`featured_down`,`l`.`title` AS `language_title`,`l`.`image` AS `language_image`,`uc`.`name` AS `editor`,`ag`.`title` AS `access_level`,`c`.`title` AS `category_title`,`c`.`created_user_id` AS `category_uid`,`c`.`level` AS `category_level`,`c`.`published` AS `category_published`,`parent`.`title` AS `parent_category_title`,`parent`.`id` AS `parent_category_id`,`parent`.`created_user_id` AS `parent_category_uid`,`parent`.`level` AS `parent_category_level`,`ua`.`name` AS `author_name`,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(`v`.`rating_sum` / `v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0), 0) AS `rating`,COALESCE(NULLIF(`v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0) AS `rating_count`
FROM `hycwr_content` AS `a`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`lang_code` = `a`.`language`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_frontpage` AS `fp` ON `fp`.`content_id` = `a`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `uc` ON `uc`.`id` = `a`.`checked_out`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_viewlevels` AS `ag` ON `ag`.`id` = `a`.`access`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `c` ON `c`.`id` = `a`.`catid`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `parent` ON `parent`.`id` = `c`.`parent_id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `ua` ON `ua`.`id` = `a`.`created_by`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_rating` AS `v` ON `a`.`id` = `v`.`content_id`
WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1)
ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 20;
EXPLAIN SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.state, a.access, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, a.modified, a.ordering, a.featured, a.language, a.hits, a.publish_up, a.publish_down, a.note,l.title AS language_title, l.image AS language_image,uc.name AS editor,ag.title AS access_level,c.title AS category_title, c.created_user_id AS category_uid, c.level AS category_level,parent.title AS parent_category_title, parent.id AS parent_category_id,
parent.created_user_id AS parent_category_uid, parent.level AS parent_category_level,ua.name AS author_name,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0), 0), 0) AS rating,
COALESCE(NULLIF(v.rating_count, 0), 0) as rating_count
FROM hycwr_content AS a
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_languages` AS l
ON l.lang_code = a.language
LEFT JOIN hycwr_users AS uc
ON uc.id=a.checked_out
LEFT JOIN hycwr_viewlevels AS ag
ON ag.id = a.access
LEFT JOIN hycwr_categories AS c
ON c.id = a.catid
LEFT JOIN hycwr_categories AS parent
ON parent.id = c.parent_id
LEFT JOIN hycwr_users AS ua
ON ua.id = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN hycwr_content_rating AS v
ON a.id = v.content_id
WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1)
ORDER BY a.id desc
With INNER JOIN 500ms, LEFT JOIN its 1.5ms. In bigger portals that up to 5s and makes it quite unusable. Not sure if the DB is missing an index, i tried to optimize, but for now ill change that behaviour
EXPLAIN SELECT `a`.`id`,`a`.`asset_id`,`a`.`title`,`a`.`alias`,`a`.`checked_out`,`a`.`checked_out_time`,`a`.`catid`,`a`.`state`,`a`.`access`,`a`.`created`,`a`.`created_by`,`a`.`created_by_alias`,`a`.`modified`,`a`.`ordering`,`a`.`featured`,`a`.`language`,`a`.`hits`,`a`.`publish_up`,`a`.`publish_down`,`a`.`introtext`,`a`.`fulltext`,`a`.`note`,`a`.`images`,`a`.`metakey`,`a`.`metadesc`,`a`.`metadata`,`a`.`version`,`fp`.`featured_up`,`fp`.`featured_down`,`l`.`title` AS `language_title`,`l`.`image` AS `language_image`,`uc`.`name` AS `editor`,`ag`.`title` AS `access_level`,`c`.`title` AS `category_title`,`c`.`created_user_id` AS `category_uid`,`c`.`level` AS `category_level`,`c`.`published` AS `category_published`,`parent`.`title` AS `parent_category_title`,`parent`.`id` AS `parent_category_id`,`parent`.`created_user_id` AS `parent_category_uid`,`parent`.`level` AS `parent_category_level`,`ua`.`name` AS `author_name`,`wa`.`stage_id` AS `stage_id`,`ws`.`title` AS `stage_title`,`ws`.`workflow_id` AS `workflow_id`,`w`.`title` AS `workflow_title`,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(`v`.`rating_sum` / `v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0), 0) AS `rating`,COALESCE(NULLIF(`v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0) AS `rating_count`
FROM hycwr_content AS `a`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`lang_code` = `a`.`language`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_frontpage` AS `fp` ON `fp`.`content_id` = `a`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `uc` ON `uc`.`id` = `a`.`checked_out`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_viewlevels` AS `ag` ON `ag`.`id` = `a`.`access`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `c` ON `c`.`id` = `a`.`catid`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `parent` ON `parent`.`id` = `c`.`parent_id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `ua` ON `ua`.`id` = `a`.`created_by`
INNER JOIN `hycwr_workflow_associations` AS `wa` ON `wa`.`item_id` = `a`.`id`
INNER JOIN `hycwr_workflow_stages` AS `ws` ON `ws`.`id` = `wa`.`stage_id`
INNER JOIN `hycwr_workflows` AS `w` ON `w`.`id` = `ws`.`workflow_id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_rating` AS `v` ON `a`.`id` = `v`.`content_id`
WHERE `wa`.`extension` = 'com_content.article' AND `a`.`state` IN (1,0)
ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 20;
EXPLAIN SELECT `a`.`id`,`a`.`asset_id`,`a`.`title`,`a`.`alias`,`a`.`checked_out`,`a`.`checked_out_time`,`a`.`catid`,`a`.`state`,`a`.`access`,`a`.`created`,`a`.`created_by`,`a`.`created_by_alias`,`a`.`modified`,`a`.`ordering`,`a`.`featured`,`a`.`language`,`a`.`hits`,`a`.`publish_up`,`a`.`publish_down`,`a`.`introtext`,`a`.`fulltext`,`a`.`note`,`a`.`images`,`a`.`metakey`,`a`.`metadesc`,`a`.`metadata`,`a`.`version`,`fp`.`featured_up`,`fp`.`featured_down`,`l`.`title` AS `language_title`,`l`.`image` AS `language_image`,`uc`.`name` AS `editor`,`ag`.`title` AS `access_level`,`c`.`title` AS `category_title`,`c`.`created_user_id` AS `category_uid`,`c`.`level` AS `category_level`,`c`.`published` AS `category_published`,`parent`.`title` AS `parent_category_title`,`parent`.`id` AS `parent_category_id`,`parent`.`created_user_id` AS `parent_category_uid`,`parent`.`level` AS `parent_category_level`,`ua`.`name` AS `author_name`,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(`v`.`rating_sum` / `v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0), 0) AS `rating`,COALESCE(NULLIF(`v`.`rating_count`, 0), 0) AS `rating_count`
FROM `hycwr_content` AS `a`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_languages` AS `l` ON `l`.`lang_code` = `a`.`language`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_frontpage` AS `fp` ON `fp`.`content_id` = `a`.`id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `uc` ON `uc`.`id` = `a`.`checked_out`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_viewlevels` AS `ag` ON `ag`.`id` = `a`.`access`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `c` ON `c`.`id` = `a`.`catid`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_categories` AS `parent` ON `parent`.`id` = `c`.`parent_id`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_users` AS `ua` ON `ua`.`id` = `a`.`created_by`
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_content_rating` AS `v` ON `a`.`id` = `v`.`content_id`
WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1)
ORDER BY a.id desc LIMIT 20;
EXPLAIN SELECT a.id, a.title, a.alias, a.checked_out, a.checked_out_time, a.catid, a.state, a.access, a.created, a.created_by, a.created_by_alias, a.modified, a.ordering, a.featured, a.language, a.hits, a.publish_up, a.publish_down, a.note,l.title AS language_title, l.image AS language_image,uc.name AS editor,ag.title AS access_level,c.title AS category_title, c.created_user_id AS category_uid, c.level AS category_level,parent.title AS parent_category_title, parent.id AS parent_category_id,
parent.created_user_id AS parent_category_uid, parent.level AS parent_category_level,ua.name AS author_name,COALESCE(NULLIF(ROUND(v.rating_sum / v.rating_count, 0), 0), 0) AS rating,
COALESCE(NULLIF(v.rating_count, 0), 0) as rating_count
FROM hycwr_content AS a
LEFT JOIN `hycwr_languages` AS l
ON l.lang_code = a.language
LEFT JOIN hycwr_users AS uc
ON uc.id=a.checked_out
LEFT JOIN hycwr_viewlevels AS ag
ON ag.id = a.access
LEFT JOIN hycwr_categories AS c
ON c.id = a.catid
LEFT JOIN hycwr_categories AS parent
ON parent.id = c.parent_id
LEFT JOIN hycwr_users AS ua
ON ua.id = a.created_by
LEFT JOIN hycwr_content_rating AS v
ON a.id = v.content_id
WHERE (a.state = 0 OR a.state = 1)
ORDER BY a.id desc
Statistics: Posted by Smike — Tue Jun 25, 2024 1:31 pm