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General Questions/New to Joomla! 5.x • How many free Let's Encrypt SSL-certificates do I need?

I want to implement the free SSL certificate of Let's Encrypt in order to make my URLs safe (https://). Especially, because Google AdSense has become very fussy about URIs.
(Search engines like Google will favour SSL over non-SSL these days.)
And, because of Joomla-Logins by registered users, password encryption is necessary.
I did some reading on the Internet in order to prepare myself, before I make any mistakes.
What I cannot find out is the following distinction:
Is an SSL-certificate valid on the level of the complete webserver (IIS10), or on 1 domain name or 1 website (IP pointing)?
In other words:
I have a webserver (IIS10) that handles many websites (*.aspx, *.php).
a) Is 1 free SSL-certificate enough for all websites together on 1 webserver?
b1. Or do I need a separate SSL-certificate for every running website on this server?
b2. Will Let's Encrypt give out several free SSL-certificates for 1 IP number-address?
c) I have my domain names stalled/parked at an external Hosting Party. Via IP pointing, visitors reach my webserver/websites (*.com, *.net, *.org).
c1. Will this be a problem when implementing SSL certificates on my webserver?
c2. What should I change at the side of the hosting party?

Thank you for any advice.
Friendly regards,

Joomla v.5.1.4 (+ CommunityBuilder and Kunena Forums); IIS10; PHP v.8.3.9

Statistics: Posted by sthop — Wed Sep 11, 2024 8:19 am

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